On-Campus Parking
Permits Required
All persons who will be parking a motor vehicle on property owned or controlled by the University of New Haven, or who are in local University-sponsored housing, are required to display a valid University of New Haven parking permit on their vehicle. Vehicles not properly displaying a valid parking permit will be ticketed and may be towed. Registering for a permit online is not sufficient to satisfy the permitting requirement.
The parking program is in effect on weekdays, and all permit holders must park in their designated lots Monday through Friday.
Vehicles displaying a valid handicapped parking permit issued by the State of Connecticut or any other state or country may park in any marked handicapped space on campus.
Resident Student Parking is Restricted by Permit Type and Permits are Distributed Based on Credit Hours Earned
- First-year students (under 27 credits) who live on campus are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus. This is strictly enforced.
- Sophomores (27 or more credits) who live on campus may purchase a yellow permit for $200.00 and must park in the North Campus lot (P25) only.
- Juniors (57 or more credits) who live on campus may purchase a yellow permit for $200.00 and must park in the North Campus lot (P25) only. Permit quantities are limited.
- Seniors (87 or more credits) who live on campus may purchase a red permit for $200.00 and will be restricted to parking in the Westside Hall (P41) and the Winchester/Sheffield (P13) lots. Permit quantities are limited.
Permits for Off-Campus University Housing
- Parking permits for Forest Hills, Park View, The Atwood, Savin Court, and the Main Street Apartments have restrictions. Read the details about each of these permits.
What Do I Do If I Have Questions or Concerns
Before registering for your University parking permit, we urge you to read the rules and regulations associated with the new program. If you have questions or concerns after reviewing this information, please email Julie Carbonella, Director of Operations, Department of Public Safety, at parking@newhaven.edu
What Type of Parking Permit Do Graduate Resident Students Receive?
- Graduate students who choose to live on campus will reside at either The Atwood, Park View, or the Savin Court Apartments. For more information about parking permits at these locations, click here.
What Type of Parking Permit Do Senior Resident Students
- Senior students who reside in most on-campus housing are eligible to receive a red permit. This includes senior residents in all on-campus halls except The Atwood, Park View, Savin Court, Main Street, and Forest Hills. The red permit is available at a cost of $200 for the academic year. Permit quantities are limited.
What About Seniors Living in Off-Campus University Housing?
- Residents of The Atwood, Park View, Forest Hills Apartments, Savin Court, and Main Street Apartments can find information about permits for those locations by clicking here.
Where Can Senior Resident Students Park?
- Resident Students with the red permit can park in lot P41 (Westside Hall) or P13 (between Winchester Hall and Zolad Stadium). Please see the parking map on this page for full details.
When Do Senior Resident Students Register for a Parking Permit?
- Dates for Parking Permit Registration for the fall semester will be announced by email and will also be posted in the alerts on the parking site.
What Type of Parking Permit Do Junior and Sophomore Resident
Students Receive?
- Junior and sophomore students who reside in most on-campus housing are eligible to receive a yellow permit. This includes junior and sophomore residents in all on-campus halls except The Atwood, Park View, Savin Court, Main Street, and Forest Hills. The yellow permit is available at a cost of $200.
What About Juniors and Sophomores Living in Off-Campus University Housing?
- Residents of The Atwood, Park View, Forest Hills Apartments, Savin Court, and Main Street Apartments can find information about permits for those locations by clicking here.
Where Can Junior and Sophomore Resident Students Park?
- Resident Students with the yellow permit can park only in the North Campus lot (P25) only. Please see the parking map on this page for full details.
When Do Junior and Sophomore Resident Students Register for a Parking Permit?
- Dates for Parking Permit Registration for the fall semester will be announced by email and will also be posted in the alerts on the parking site.
Where Can First-Year Resident Students Park?
- First-year students are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus. This is strictly enforced.
What Transportation Options are Available to First-Year Resident Students?
- We encourage first-year students to utilize our network of shuttles and vans that run on the north and south sides of our main campus. We also have shuttle transportation available to off-campus locations. Click here to learn more about our extensive shuttle services.
- The ChargerGo Bus Pass is a special transportation pass for University of New Haven students that is valid for unlimited trips during each semester on all CTtransit local buses. The ChargerGo Pass gives you transportation freedom. Please note: ChargerGo bus passes will not be offered during the Spring 2023 semester, because CT Transit is allowing all passengers free service through March 31, 2023. No card or ID is required. Click here to learn more about the ChargerGO pass.
- Need a car? Borrow a Zipcar! We have partnered with Zipcar to bring self-service, on-demand car sharing to the area. To use Zipcars, simply register as a member, reserve a car online or by phone, use your Zipcard to enter the car, and drive away. Click here to learn more about Zipcar on campus.
Where Can On-Campus Resident Students Park?
Parking on University of New Haven campuses is restricted by permit type.
- Click here to view the On-Campus Housing Resident Parking map.
- Click here to view the Full Parking map (including all permit types).
Any member of the University of New Haven community is STRICTLY PROHIBITED from parking on city streets. Additionally, there is no parking in the Engineering and Science University Magnet School (ESUMS) parking lot.
How Do I Register for a Parking Permit?
- Those eligible for a parking permit must apply online. Please choose the appropriate option from our main parking page to access the online parking system.
- All permits must be self-printed directly from the online parking system. Permits will not be distributed this year.
- ChargerGo Bus Passes will be mailed to the address provided at the time of registgration/purchase.
Where Can I Find the Full Rules and Regulations for the University Parking Program?
By applying for a University of New Haven parking permit, you are agreeing to abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of any motor vehicle under your control.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are just some of the most frequently asked questions. Click the button above to read the full rules and regulations.
How Should I Display My Parking Permit?
Permits must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle in the lower corner on the passenger side. Vehicles not properly displaying a valid parking permit will be ticketed and may be towed.
What Happens if My Permit is Lost or Stolen?
Lost or stolen permits must be reported to the University Police Department.
What if I Have an Outstanding or Unpaid Parking Ticket?
Students who have outstanding unpaid parking violations may have a hold placed on their student account. Faculty and staff members who have outstanding unpaid parking violations will not be able to obtain a parking permit and will be prohibited from parking on University property until outstanding parking fees have been paid. Vehicles on campus with outstanding parking fees and without a valid parking permit are subject to towing.
Can I Just Park on the Street?
All faculty, staff, and students are prohibited from parking on city streets in the neighborhoods adjacent to campus. Vehicles parked illegally are subject to ticketing and towing by the City of West Haven. This includes off-campus resident students residing at Savin Court, Main Street Apartments, and Forest Hills. There is also no parking in the Engineering and Science University Magnet School (ESUMS) lots.
Do the Parking Rules Change During Inclement Weather or other Emergencies?
The University reserves the right to modify parking rules during inclement weather or emergencies when vehicles may have to be moved. Non-resident parking is prohibited during snow emergencies or impending snow emergencies, and operators of all vehicles parked on campus must move their vehicles, as directed.
A vehicle impeding snow removal or any emergency response may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Connecticut state law (Sec. 14-253a) restricts parking in designated handicapped parking spaces to vehicles displaying a valid handicapped parking permit issued by the State of Connecticut or any other state or country. The use of a handicapped parking permit is only valid and legal when the person with the disability is the driver or a passenger in the vehicle. Any misuse of this privilege will result in ticketing, and the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense. These vehicles must also display a University of New Haven parking permit if the owner/operator is a student or employee of the University. Vehicles displaying a valid handicapped parking permit can park in any marked handicapped space on campus.